Tim's Automotive
3015 East Joppa Road, Parkville, MD 21234 410.665.9098

Important Facts Parkville Drivers May Not Know About Their Check Engine Light

Last Updated: Apr 30, 2019

The Check Engine light might come on in your vehicle. It's an amber colored light that shows on your dashboard. In newer vehicles it might just be a problem with your gas cap not being screwed on tight enough (or a worn gas cap), causing the vehicle to fail the self-diagnostic evaporative emission test. All Parkville drivers need to do is go to their gas cap and verify that it is tight. If that was the problem, the light will turn off and everything will be fine within one or two days.

At Tim's Automotive, we advise Parkville drivers to resist the temptation to have someone “clear” the codes to turn off your vehicle check engine light. This erases important diagnostic information that your friendly and knowledgeable Tim's Automotive service advisor needs to diagnose the underlying problem for the Check Engine light – and any other pending problems that may be stored in the computer.

If the problem is still there - you still see the light - bring your vehicle in to Tim's Automotive in Parkville and have it checked out as soon as possible.

Give us a call.

Tim's Automotive
3015 East Joppa Road
Parkville, MD 21234
410.665.9098, 410-668-6161

At Tim's Automotive we install quality NAPA replacement parts.